Thank you for your interest in helping support River Edge Farm Horse Rescue. The Rescue is a non-profit 501c(3) public charity. All donations are tax deductible. Monetary donations are gratefully accepted by US Postal mail and through PayPal.
River Edge Farm Horse Rescue, Inc.
P O Box 692
Lyles, Tennessee 37098

Our rescued horses live on 60 acres of private property and there is no charge to the rescue. It is all volunteer and no one gets paid. Horses eat the hay that is produced on the farm with no charge to rescue. There is no charge to rescue for use of the equipment to make the hay or the upkeep or repair on the equipment or the gas or use of truck and trailer to haul horses. There is no charge for use of the barn, the electric or the water even though some horses like to empty the troughs with their feet daily. There is no charge to the rescue to maintain fences or arena or round pen or property and the rescue does not contribute to taxes or insurance on the property. Anyone who thinks people are into rescue for the money is mistaken.
It takes a great deal of time, patience, hard work by volunteers, Veterinary and Farrier work, nutrition, training, and funds to rehabilitate a rescued horse. One-hundred percent of your donated funds go toward the care of these horses. Thank you!
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